List of the Cheapest PLR Sites

ultimate list of plr sites is always the my first suggestion when someone is looking for good PLR. They’ve been around for almost 10 years and have thousands of products. Another important factor is that they offer PRL in tons of different categories. They also offer some great free PLR. is a company that specializes in ebook PLR. It seems like everyone is trying to give away something free to get people to opt-in to their email lists or offer a bonus to an e-commerce purchase. These ebooks are perfect for either of those techniques. has a huge library of PLR content and some of the best prices. They also offer videos, reports, and ebooks if you’re looking for something other than articles.They have sales for up to 80% off on many items so make sure to check what’s on sale before buying.

Multiple ways to use PLR

Here are some ideas:

  • Rewrite some of the PLR to create a brand new series of blog posts
  • Group the PLR together, rewrite it and add fresh content to create a new eBook to sell to your visitors
  • Create a free report you can give away to start building your mailing list

We’re sure you can think of a few more ideas too. The point is that PLR can be the fastest way to create new blog posts, articles, reports, eBooks and other original content. You could even use it to help you put together some videos where you share your thoughts and ideas with others.

If you’ve ever sat in front of a computer keyboard and stared at that forbidding blank screen, wondering what on earth to write about, you’ll love the opportunities that PLR can give you.

The most important thing to remember when you’re considering the benefits of PLR content is that you can do whatever you like with it. Let’s say you have a blog about internet marketing and you’ve got stuck on what to write about. No problem – invest in a PLR pack about internet marketing and use it to help you figure out what to write next.

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