4 Ways to Grow your Twitter Reach

Confused about how to grow your Twitter following? People aren’t seeing your updates?

Whether you’re a writer or a small business owner, it can take time to build your Twitter followers. Sometimes that can be frustrating.

We’re sharing with you four ways to increase visibility for your Twitter profile and tweets. 


There area few fundamentals you need to understand. Apply these tweaks for increased tweet exposure:

  • Don’t start tweets with @username. This restricts the visibility only to you, the person you’re tweeting and any mutual followers. You immediately cut your reach short.
  • Don’t over-tweet about yourself or your products. There’s a rule to follow. It’s called the 80/20 rule and it applies on all social platforms. Spend 80% of your time interacting with and promoting others and the other 20% promoting yourself and your products. Give, Give, Give, then ask.
  • Don’t use more than three hashtags per tweet. You don’t want to look spammy and reduce your shareability, so take it easy with the hashtags. #stopusinghashtagsforeverything #theyareunnattractive #nobodywilllikeyou
  • Provide value. What are your followers saying? Listen to them, as well as the people you follow. What is their problem? How can you help solve them? Become an expert by sharing relevant, interesting tweets, without over-promoting. 


Use your other platforms to tell others you’re on Twitter, but be careful. Don’t just post a “Hey follow me at @imannoying” everyday. Add your username to the about or contact sections on Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn, and any other social profiles you use.

Be sure your have social sharing buttons on your website or blog so it’s easy for readers to share your content.


Networking is powerful, whether offline or online. Now is the time to start networking on Twitter.

Find key influencers in your niche. This will be easy if you’re listening to what others are saying. Find those people with whom you want to build a relationship.

Start conversations with some of these influencers (just a few at a time so you don’t get overwhelmed) in your niche. Make sure you’re adding value to the conversation. Don’t just ask. Give. Make yourself interesting. 


Don’t feel alone. There are tons of communities for people like you who are interested in networking.

Many communities are built around niches, so it should be easy for you to find those who share your interests. Remember to share, not just take.

Here are 10 communities to join and find some fellow peeps interested in the same things you are: